Sunday, April 19, 2009

"Prey" by Eun Hye

Chapters: 9
Words: 11,883
Reviews: 160
Rating: 'R' on Twi -- 'T' on FFN
Genre: Romance/Mystery
Summary: Bella was bitten when she was eight years old but miraculously survived. Nine years later, Bella returns to Forks and discovers the Cullens.
NOTE: I recommend reading this story on

Ahh...I missed you loverlies! I know, I suck...bad, and I do apologize for my long absence. But RL as you know takes a precidence to our obsession, and I am not immune (as much as I wish I was), so I suffered some RL fail, but I'm trying like hell to get back on here and stay consistent with all of you and I do appreciate your patience! I've started planning my rec's out in advance so that this doesn't happen again. In addition, I will now be posting the current weekly rec from the PPSS blog on here as soon as it is posted. So, thank you to all who are following and loving some good Darkward, and without further ado, here's my review....

Okay, first I'd like to say that this is my very first "T" rated fic rec. I usually don't read anything other than M, but I've REALLY had to start digging for some decent Darkward material. The PP can all vouch for my complaints that I have had to suffer through some...well....ROUGH material in the past couple weeks. Seriously, I never realized how much badly written fic there is until I ventured out into the uncharted waters of the fanficdom. Yeah, it sucked to say the least, but this is the price we pay for new discoveries.

So, along my journey, I stumbled across this fine ass piece of wonderfully written goodness. Yeah, it's 'T', but don't let it fool you. There is some SERIOUS intensity in this girl's writing. And originality, OH THE ORIGINALITY! I absolutely CHERISH IT! This story is seriously original and has a massively wonderful plot.

Edward in this fic, well....he um, slips up. He's only a vampire after all, and control only gets you so far...especially when you come across some fresh singer blood dripping open, exposed, against the white snow. I wouldn't expect him to resist THAT....and resist he doesn't. He is purely predator-like with Bella in the first scene, luring the little girl into a false sense of security, whilst trying to resist, and whilst giving into the fact that he is just unable to do so. It is sweet, and scary, and so very vampire. Thankfully our favorite Cullen clan is able to intercede on his slip up, but not before some permanent damage is done.

The story after Edward's slip jumps ahead in time and gets craaazy good, and Bella in this story (Oh My Bella) is one-of-a-kind...literally. I don't want to give too much away, but I would rec this fic on originality and pulp and good writing alone. Throw in some really tantalizing Darkward scenes and you just GOTTA READ IT! So go, read it, read it like your life depends on it, and leave the author some serious love, cuz she totally deserves it!

READ THIS FIC! If anything for some finger-sucking-good Edward.


There is a new thread for this fic over on the Twi-boards. Come over and play!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you recced this fic. It so amazingly written...the storyline, the charecters, the whole damn mythology so beautifully original. I could gush forever. More people need to be reading it!! At the risk of sounding like a complete fangirl, It R-O-C-K-S!

    P.S: i think the fic entered some seriously M territory recently
