Sunday, April 19, 2009

"This Warm Rush" by myrevelate and chasethelights

This Warm Rush
Title: "This Warm Rush"
Author(s): myrevelate and chasethelights/apresmoi
Chapters: 6
Words: 24,003
Reviews: 439
Rating: M
Genre: General/Horror
Summary: AU-Edward never returned to Carlisle, his "rebellious years" stretching into decades. Bella is in Seattle, avoiding a dance and buying books. But she's a danger magnet, and ends up attracting something she never expected.

********** UPDATE ***********
Apparently, Miss Emmaline is moving, and has pulled both this story and her entire ff account. I have spoken to her co-author, and she was kind enough to provide me with a link to the story on her LJ page. There is only 5 chapters posted there right now, but have no fear! I am working on her to try to get the remainder posted and written. If you love this story like I do, you will know that I am not giving up my petition to see this story completed! Thanks to Kelsey for the heads up!

Ummm……FORWARD. Yes, that is the best and yet most inadequate description of this self-gratifying Darkward. MMMMMMMOMMA……this fic starts at hyper-speed. Edward happens across our fair Bella in Seattle where she is fulfilling her guise to avoid going to the dance with Mike Newton. Edward drags Bella into a dark alley where she assumes he is going to rape or kill her, but instead of drinking from her, he quickly changes his mind, reeling from the fact that he can‘t tap into her brain, and that her responses (true to form) are utterly abnormal. Things quickly shift as he starts to lust for her and molests her in the alley-way. In pure Bella-characterization, she thanks him for the encounter (I know, weird, but it works, trust me) and they’re lust-filled rendezvous makes it all the way back to her truck.

Once they separate, Bella makes her way back to Forks and of course finds herself getting into trouble along the way. Edward follows, unbeknownst to Bella, and almost eats her before the Cullen’s intervene. Emmaline & Co’s Edward has a feral presence and after his first encounter with Bella, he quickly becomes out favorite obsessed vampire stalker. YES!!!

In the most recent chapter, Edward finally reunites with Carlisle at the hospital. The authors do an amazing job of portraying the guilt and anger and awkwardness of their encounter. We learn that Carlisle is the only reason that the rest of the Cullens haven’t tarred and feathered and burned Edward. To Carlisle, Edward is a live-wire and he is unsure of his motivations for showing up in Forks, yet he still obligates himself to give Edward some trust and leeway.

The situation is a precarious one and it is impossible to determine which way Edward is going to go since he himself has no idea what he is doing with Bella. After a chance meeting with her again at the hospital, our STALKward morphs quickly (VERY quickly) back into LUSTward and is volatile (MMMYUM). I’m telling’ ya, Emmaline is a PRO at creating some SERIOUSLY SCORCHING moments between B & E.

The involvement of the Cullens & their worry and protectiveness over Bella is an added bonus, and adds realism and intensity to how dangerous and unpredictable this Edward is, as well as providing some added suspense.

For a story that has yet to get to the smut, Emmaline & Co are keeping me highly satisfied (and aroused) with the heavy, HEAVY doses of UST. Yes, the UST levels are OFF THE CHARTS considering that at each encounter, Edward can’t keep his hands (or his mouth for that matter) off of our innocent little Bella.

I am truly excited to see where the authors take this story, and considering the fact that their E & B have done nothing more than making out with some light petting, there is SO much more to look forward to! The possibilities are endless.

DARK/LUST/STALKward says, GO READ THIS FIC! And leave the authors some love.



  1. Thanks for the heads up Kelsey! I've updated the post with a link to the LJ version of the story.

  2. Hey Jo! I just wanted to update you...the fic's on my profile now, not Emma's, nd as soon as we're settled back in, there should be an update :)

  3. Hmmm. I tried the LJ link and it said I'm not authorized......?

  4. Do you know if the author plans to continue this?? I know the co-writter has it up on her account now, but I noticed that its been a year since its been updated...Its a really good fic, so I just wanted to know if you'v heard anything about a possible continuance....

